The day our Family Coordinator wrote to tell me our Dossier arrived, we received another messages saying there were a couple of changes. One of which we had already heard about and done. Before doctor's letters were only written if an explanation was needed. (Example: We had one written to state that because Weston was only one we did not have any blood work done. How his doctor had seen him since birth, excellent health, not exposed to anything that would make them concerned, etc.) Now there is a standard letter that much be written for each family member by their doctor. The other two things were additional photo pages which will be simple and a document that we were once told we didn't need, now has to be notarized and apostilled. Really not difficult, just time consuming to send it off and get it back.
The good news is that they are going to send off our Dossier to be reviewed while we do these last minute things!
This makes me so excited for you sweet lady! I need you to take notes on things to do & not to do for me..haha! Things might be different though in about 5 years,but I'm going to need all the help I can get ;)