Friday, April 27, 2012

While I'm waiting

I promised myself that I wouldn't be on pins and needles waiting for things to happen throughout our adoption. I don't want the sadness of my longing for my son or the anxiety of things not happening the way we think they should to show in my emotions. This week I've been on edge a little and feeling discouraged because we've been waiting and waiting for our home study paperwork to be turned into us so we could proceed. The deadlines of a few documents needing to get to Honduras probably will not arrive on time now. I felt at peace a little while back when our family coordinator said that it would all be ok and to try and not stress because they have worked through much harder situations than a few documents expiring. Then another two plus weeks passed. I have had to stay in a constant state of prayer regarding this adoption to keep myself in check. Reciting scriptures in my head to remind myself this will happen in God's timing.

Today I picked up our home study paperwork!!! Now we are able to send off our I-600A form. (This form is sent to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. It's an application for Advanced processing of an Orphan petition.) There are a few things needed to go along with it, including $890. Thank you Jesus for providing!!

Days like today are a huge encouragement! The paperwork came in, the money is here, and God just continues to pave the way! There are several adoptive families reading my blog so I just want to encourage those that are reading my blog who are adopting or maybe for any of you reading who are waiting on the Lord for something... This song has been playing in my head this week...

As always, thank you for your continued support and prayers!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Jennifer. Thanks! I have been very discouraged lately. I love seeing how the Lord works. So happy for your family.
