Friday, April 27, 2012

While I'm waiting

I promised myself that I wouldn't be on pins and needles waiting for things to happen throughout our adoption. I don't want the sadness of my longing for my son or the anxiety of things not happening the way we think they should to show in my emotions. This week I've been on edge a little and feeling discouraged because we've been waiting and waiting for our home study paperwork to be turned into us so we could proceed. The deadlines of a few documents needing to get to Honduras probably will not arrive on time now. I felt at peace a little while back when our family coordinator said that it would all be ok and to try and not stress because they have worked through much harder situations than a few documents expiring. Then another two plus weeks passed. I have had to stay in a constant state of prayer regarding this adoption to keep myself in check. Reciting scriptures in my head to remind myself this will happen in God's timing.

Today I picked up our home study paperwork!!! Now we are able to send off our I-600A form. (This form is sent to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. It's an application for Advanced processing of an Orphan petition.) There are a few things needed to go along with it, including $890. Thank you Jesus for providing!!

Days like today are a huge encouragement! The paperwork came in, the money is here, and God just continues to pave the way! There are several adoptive families reading my blog so I just want to encourage those that are reading my blog who are adopting or maybe for any of you reading who are waiting on the Lord for something... This song has been playing in my head this week...

As always, thank you for your continued support and prayers!!
To my Future Son,

Today your mommy is positively giddy! We moved forward another step towards bringing you home. Here is a picture of mommy holding up some important papers we needed....

Can you tell I'm excited? I wanted to take a picture for your baby book I'll be making for you. I'm making books for Addison and Weston and they will have pictures of me while they grew in my tummy in the beginning. So this is a picture of you growing in my heart. :) My love for you is getting stronger son. I just keep dreaming about the special moments we have to come. I pray for the day that all of our paperwork is sent to the country where you are and then accepted. I tear up each time I day dream of that glorious day when our agency calls and tells us they are sending us a referral and we see your face for the first time! I can't wait to hold you for the first time and finally tell you in person how much I love you! And the most special of all moments...the day when our dreams become a reality and you are home with us forever.

All my love,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Still Waiting...

Still waiting for our home study. Trying so hard not to worry. I'm reciting this scripture each day...many times a day...

Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

My requests are known to God. Our time is running out to get our Dossier to Honduras before some of our paperwork starts to elapse. I've been told, once again, that our home study will be in our hands this week. We NEED it to be here this week. Please send your prayers!!

Nathan asked me the other day if something tragic happened to him would I still try and continue with the adoption. Without hesitation, "Absolutely. As long as they would let me. I have a child waiting for me." To which he replied, "Our Child." That's right. Our child. He's waiting on his mommy and daddy to come and get him. We are so ready! Our hearts are longing for our son to be home with us. It's hard knowing that a piece of your heart is thousands of miles away. In times like this where the enemy could try and whisper that it isn't going to happen, I remind myself that of the prophetic word I received at church regarding our adoption. IT IS DONE. God has called us to this, he will prepare the way, tell the mountains to move and they will move, IT IS DONE.

Thank you for your prayers and support! It God's timing, our son will be home and in the meantime...what a wonderful opportunity to learn to seek God on a deeper level and to grow our faith!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


If you feel led to donate to our adoption, you can donate using the pay pal button on the side, or comment here with your email address and I will email you our mailing address. We are going to need a large sum of money for several things very soon! Putting it in God's hands because we know he will provide, but maybe one of the ways he will do this is through you! :) It doesn't have to be a lot, every single dollar gets us closer to our son!

Matthew 25:37-40
"Then the good people will answer, Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you alone and invite you in our house? When did we see you without clothes and give you something to wear? When did we see you sick or in prison and care for you?"

"Then the King will answer... I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here on Earth, you also did for me."

I have read there are estimated to be 163 million orphans in the world...we cannot possibly save them all, but with your help, there will be ONE LESS! Will you consider helping to give one child a forever home?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Arms of Love

In the mornings I've been praying aloud on the way to take Addison to school. I pray over each member of the family. Every morning when I start to pray for our adopted son I get choked up. As tears fill my eyes I pray for him. I cut it a little short simply because I'm unsure how it will make the children feel and I don't want to be crying each morning when I arrive at Addison's school. So here is my prayer for you this morning son... "Lord I pray that you will wrap your arms of love around our son today. I pray that wherever he is you will make him feel loved. I pray a hedge of protection around him today. Please keep him safe. I ask that you will put someone in his life today to love on him and care for him. I pray that he will be fed today and not go hungry. Give him strength in whatever he may face today. Lord please help this adoption process to move quickly and smoothly. And Lord even though he has no idea we are coming yet, give him hope that he will have a forever family until that glorious day comes. Please continue to give me strength until he comes home. In your name I pray, Amen."

More Updates on the Dossier process

We finished our home study and the rough drafts were sent to our Family Coordinator. Some changes or additions needed to be made so she is still finishing that up. The home study part has taken longer than we expected so we are praying it is finalized soon! There are a few things needed for our dossier that had to wait until our home study was complete. We received our psychology reports and they were sent to our Family Coordinator and approved the first time so that is great! We turned in all of our reference letters and all of those were approved as well. The doctor's letter that Weston's doctor had to write to state that he believed he was in excellent health and not at risk so that is why we didn't do blood tests was approved. I know there were some other odds and ends done but those were the larger ones. Please be praying that the Home Study will be completed this week and that the other things will be finished up within the next few weeks! It is very important that everything be turned into Honduras soon because of how time sensitive everything is! **On a side note we have movement in Honduras! Families that turned in their dossiers many months ago were still waiting to be put in the list. They had some government leader changes, workers go on strikes, and reformation taking place the past several months. The new leaders seem to really have a heart for the orphans and getting the process moving along and the changes, although time consuming, will be better in the end. Some of the people with America World, our agency, have been receiving their numbers on the wait list for children. Praise God! We have been praying that would happen for them and so that by the time we get to that point things would be moving along. I can't wait to be in the waiting list and have this out of my hands!